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3 Foods That Keep Your Teeth White

July 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — broadparkdental @ 4:01 pm
Woman smiling with teeth and pointing finger guns at both sides of her mouth

After getting your teeth professionally whitened, you’ve finally gotten them the shade you’ve always wanted. However, even with the best oral hygiene routine in the world, your lifestyle and diet might cause dental staining. Fortunately, with a few changes, you can prolong the brightness of your enhanced smile for longer before you have to go get a touch-up. Here are 3 foods you can eat that keep your teeth white.

#1. Strawberries

You might think that strawberries stain your teeth because they are dark in color, but they actually do the opposite! Strawberries are filled with an enzyme called malic acid that naturally whitens teeth. Adding more of this fruit to your diet can give you essential nutrients while also maintaining the results of your treatment. You can even use strawberries to slightly whiten your teeth! Just mash them up, rub them on your teeth, and leave them for five minutes! Then, rinse with water and do your normal oral hygiene routine.

#2. Fibrous Fruits & Vegetables

Celery, carrots, and apple slices are some examples of fibrous fruits and vegetables that can help clean your teeth and keep them white. Foods high in fiber can activate your salivary glands, which can clean and protect your mouth from bacteria. Eating fibrous foods can also help neutralize the acid in your mouth that can corrode the enamel on your teeth. Additionally, the crunchiness of these foods can scrub debris off of teeth!

#3. Dairy Products

Yogurt, milk, and cheese contain lactic acid, which can help protect teeth against decay. Calcium, also found in dairy products, can strengthen your enamel while whitening your teeth. Hard cheeses can also increase saliva production and remove food particles. Researchers have found that the proteins in yogurt bind to your teeth and prevent harmful acids that cause cavities from attacking them.

In addition to these foods that whiten and clean your teeth, there are also foods you can eat that won’t stain your new smile but won’t necessarily brighten it either. As a general rule, if the food is white or clear, you should be good to go! White fish, chicken, pasta with white sauce, rice, bananas, egg whites, and potatoes are a few examples of the white diet.

About the Practice

At Broad Park Family Dentistry, Dr. Jeremy Rudd and Dr. Shanna Howze provide an extensive range of dental services at your comfort and convenience. The practice offers Opalescence teeth whitening for beautiful results, and your smile can be eight shades brighter in one appointment. If you’re ready to show off your pearly whites, contact Broad Park Family Dentistry through their website or by phone at (817) 473-6857.

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